When We Have Each Other, We Have Everything

There are a lot of times where we take a look at our families and we're really grateful for them, other times we question why we had to have a brother or sister. I know that for me there are so many times where I realize that having siblings has helped me in my life. I have one brother and one sister, and we may not get along every day, but we know that we'll be there for each other. Now I know that sounds really cheesy but anyone who has siblings can admit that it's true.


Nowadays not many people have siblings, let alone children. Ok, before you think that I'm here to convince you to have kids, stick around because that's not what I'm trying to do. We live in a world where women have moved so much in life! It's literally one of the best things ever! However, because of that, so many women don't want to have children anymore or as many. Culture has always had an impact on how many children people have or don't. But we went from the world thinking we were going to be overpopulated to now if we really look, we might be losing people within the next 20 years. 


Recently I was spending time with my family, and I was thinking about what I can talk to you guys about this week. We hung out and I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to not have cousins. We focus so much on success now and not about what we could be losing. I know that personally I have always been a career-based person. Family is important to me, but I never thought about it in a way where one day our family tree will just keep getting smaller. In most families it is already like this. Yes, there is so much fear involved no matter the size of your family, but I like to think of how my parents felt when I first came into their lives. I might not be the oldest child but there wasn’t a time where my parents regretted having any of their three children. I know that situation isn’t there for everyone or you may not feel that way. But our parents gave us the chance to be here, and you can’t thank them enough for that. Even if your life may seem confusing, frustrating, or you’re just living life; you’re here for a reason.


Now again I’m not telling you to have children, I’m not at that point myself. But I want you to look at your own life and think about those children that could have that example as you as a father or mother. But before you say that you’re not ready to be a parent or you don’t want to go through that process. Just look at your family. Those people who you are close to and how you basically have built in friends. I’m not going to lie, the commitment will be tough, the pain will be real, but so will the joy. I may have not always had the best experiences in my family but eventually you look back and only remember the good times. Having those siblings and cousins is what help me get through life. I call my brother and sister all the time just to tell them something that happened in my day, something I learned about, or even about a weird dream I’ve had. Don’t let that success get in the way of your family or that dream you’ve always had. Those things can still happen! A family is just an extra thing in life that will make it even better.


In the end, family can really come from everywhere. But our lives shouldn’t be the “obstacle” that takes us away from having that opportunity. Especially now we are more focused on our success. But one day you will look back and wish that you started that family. Don’t look back at your life and wonder where your legacy was left. Instead, create that legacy yourself. 


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